Time dated stamps to mesure and see

Facebook Post: 2021-12-22T04:19:58

As I said in May of 2020. That you survive the 3 infections or so. Basically the waves of dominant variants coming and going. Then it becomes no more than a common cold. Basically Omicron now is more like a common cold. It has the common cold genetic traits similar to a common cold now. Like I was saying was coming in advance on September 15th. Or the Delta wave before it happened as well.

I’ve expect this to happen for literally year’s on end already. They keep saying they had no idea Omicron or Delta was coming. I called both of them out before they happened. I even expected something like Omicron to happen since back in 2020.

This kind of thing right here is so far beyond what they are capable of seeing coming in advance that it looks no difrerent than magic to people like them. Because to them it is no different than magic.

I’m not even sure this is maybe the 3-4 major wave. As expected becoming no more than a common cold to physically see happening right before your very eye’s.

Their inability to even see any of it coming in advance at all to me is a measure of their inferiority. They actually at that time believed they could shelter in place and bend the curve. Chanting to wear a mask and boots to lick of the authoritarian mandates to see.

I’ve been building my natural immunity through infection itself for an exceptionally long time. Understanding that we would have to live with this virus and overcome it through infection itself anyhow. Focus on the therapeutics, this is the key to beating the virus itself. I even crafted my own therapeutics to use on myself. They didn’t cure the infection, but it allowed me to survive the infection many time’s over already. Holding it at a less dangerous infection till my natural immunity could take care of the rest.

I never even needed the Dr’s at all. Only for a test to prove I had it. That was my extent of medical care needed. Just a test and nothing else. I understand the use of medical properties of botanical and mineralogy as well. I even knew in 2018 that a world wide virus was on the way. I’ve been preparing for it for longer than any man on earth even could.

Above all else I prefer freedom over the chain’s of the government mandates. Their measure were never going to work since the very beginning of the pandemic itself. I always knew they would work no matter what they did. So I did things my way to survive it. Ways I could see in time to walk to get to the end. Ways to be sure that those around me would survive as well. To manifest the destination before the journey even begins. To walk the golden path.

The pandemic is over. This is your endemic endgame. The virus itself will never go away. Tho their mandates and their constant strive to try to stop it, this is what needs to go away. We cannot put up with their constant push trying to stop this virus. They are not nearly smart enough, scientifically advanced enough, or technologically advanced enough to stop this virus. They are like cave men trying to stop an atomic bomb with stones and spears. They are not going to be able to stop it.

They would like to think they are the pinical of technology to be seen. This however is not the case. Like the path I’ve been walking the entire time, I knew long ago they wouldn’t be able to stop this. My goal is simply to survive it. While millions died around the world I survived it. Everyone around me survived it. Those that listened to me, they survived it.

As always while walking the path I will pay little attention to the world around me. I will envision what I need to do and I will manifest it to happen. There is no need for me to listen to those on stage. When I can see the path they cannot nor ever could. Seeing long in advance of them all the days that have not yet been.

We are all merely puppets on the strings of time. And I am the one that can see those strings. The prescience of all possible futures that can be. And to bring those futures to myself. There is no need to travel when I can just bring the destination to me. Metaphors of life. Tho how metaphorical can it be when it is seen to occur before your very eye’s. One of my greatest gifts to see. All my life time just seems to bend to my will, and always has. I used to dream of the future just to watch it happen as a child. Now I manifest my own destiny while awake. The world always had a tendency to turn out nearly exactly as I said it would.

While you were told life was only one way. I’ve grown my new way to see the world over the course of my entire life. Then again I would suppose when you had the healing touch as a child and healed your dog of tumors. When the church kept calling you to come and see them. When you rode your bike down to meet them and said to them, that I maybe exactly who you think I am, but I will never follow you. Telling them you rather ride your bike and play Nintendo with your friends. Watching them break down in tears, you as well understood exactly who you were. And exactly what you needed to do.

Tho thing’s of my life seem so unbelievable at time’s. They were memories as real as it gets for me. I was there, and you were not. I remember the smell of the church. Standing in that room with the priest and telling him to leave me alone. My path is for me to walk however I see fit and no one else. I don’t follow the rules I make them.

I would also suppose other church official’s approached you as well to become a prophet for their church. Even after that day, year’s later as an adult. Tho like I told them as well. I walk my own path and I have no master. Their church can no more contain me, than it can contain a hurricane. My faith is devised of all religions I cannot be contained to only one.

Nor will I listen to the naysayers of thing’s they can measure and see that actually happen that they cannot even do or match themselves. I’ve not walked this path my entire life just to be told by one who cannot, what I am able to do. Just as I told them before. I tell you now. I walk my own path. What I seek is not found in the Church.

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